wanna is the place parents buy, sell and connect with other parents in their neighbourhood. Safely buy and sell products within your community and find service providers with recommendations. wanna is an easy and trustworthy way to buy and sell locally.
Post the things you want (items and services) for free in just seconds, and let wanna do the rest for you. We will notify you when a relevant match to your wanna is found. Get Real-time notifications when a relevant match in terms of content and location is found.
*** wanna now serving the London Metropolitan Area ***
No need to search and no need to work. Simply write what it is you want (wanna), and we will do the rest!
- Sell unused items in your home to earn extra cash.
- Buy items you need from parents in your neighbourhood.
- Find local services with reviews from other parents.
- Browse through the categories you are interested in to find great local deals.
wanna users connect with Facebook so you can see who you are dealing with (your full identity is always protected and never shared). You can ask mutual friends for recommendations and read reviews from members who already transacted with that person.
wanna is the best way to find great deals near you. You can browse through categories and filter according to your interests, for example: Babies & Kids, Fashion & Lifestyle, Classes & Tutoring, and much more.
had a good experience? Leave a positive review on members profiles to promote a member for being helpful.
Use comments for general enquiries regarding a wanna, and private message to confirm transaction details, such as final price, pick up time and location.
The wanna friendly support team is happy to quickly respond to any questions you might have: [email protected]